Reality: Origins

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A brand new and innovative RP game centred around real-life'

    Aim of the Game

    David, the Owner

    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2017-12-25
    Age : 26
    Location : United Kingdom

    Aim of the Game Empty Aim of the Game

    Post by David, the Owner Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:02 pm

    Reality: Origins is an RP game based solely of life, the word Reality is meant in the most literal term; it signifies a virtual life. There is no real objection or aim in the game but it allows you to assume a new identity as many Role-play games do, so what makes this game different? This game offers a wide range of variety to the character and doesn’t limit their actions if it is in reason, characters can venture down many career routes; some good and some bad. You can be a serial killer, psycho, and arsonist or possibly even a cop, television star, presenter, banker or a stay at home parent!

    This game (Reality: Origins), unlike many others on BYOND, disregards the presence of supernatural existence and focuses on situations created by characters interacting with one another- thus causing each wipe to be different as no-one can ever replicate the same character more than once and to top it all of your characters can be anything, ranging from a mass murderer to a typical housewife. A game where your destiny is in your hands and nothing is beyond reach.

    There is no real objective or aim within the game but rather offers an RP-environment in which you can assume a new identity. With the customisation system within the game, characters can be entirely unique and venture down any character paths; some good and some bad!

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 03, 2024 6:34 am